Short Teachings of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche
It is crucial for us to develop a firm conviction towards the Three Jewels and the guru. Their blessings are indispensable for practitioners who wish to progress steadily with their Dharma practices in a long term. Without the blessing from the lineage gurus and the Three Jewels, one cannot attain spiritual accomplishment despite one’s cleverness or outstanding qualities in other aspects.

1. My Heart Advice and Secret Pith Instructions
“I obtained a precious footage of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche’s teaching given in Canada back in 1993. In this teaching, His Holiness explained the three types of faith regarding the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. Three types of faith are vivid faith, eager faith and confident faith. Hence I name this teaching, My Heart Advice and Secret Pith Instructions .”
—Khenpo Sodargye
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2. Guru's Pith Instructions
As Patrul Rinpoche said in The Words of My Perfect Teacher: It is through faith that absolute truth is realized. Thus it’s very essential for us to develop a firm faith toward the Guru and the Three Jewels. From this lecture you will obtain a better understanding of the Guru and the Three Jewels, thus improve your faith and devotion to them.
3. Daily Dorje Drolo Practice
Accomplishing All Activity: A Daily Practice of the Great and Glorious Dorje Drolo is a terma revealed by His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche at Paro Taktsang, Bhutan, in 1990.
Download the full sadhana
4. Lament Recalling the Great Guru of Oddiyana
The Spontaneous Sound of Uncontrived Song: A Lament Recalling the Great Guru of Oddiyana was composed by His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche at Tso Pema, India, in 1990.