Dzogchen är essensen av hela den exoteriska och den esoteriska läran, dess meriter är ofattliga. Bara genom att höra dess ord, beröra dess texter, tänka på det eller bära det på sin kropp så blir det frigörelse genom att höra, frigörelse genom att röra, frigörelse genom att se och frigörelse genom att bära.
Song of Victory
The Song of Victory is an extemporaneous vajra doha sung by His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, in which His Holiness addressed four piths — the non-dual wisdom in the context of Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings, Bodhichitta, renunciation, and virtuous personality. These four piths are the essence of all 84,000 Dharma teachings being summarized through His Holiness’ theoretical study and personal realization. It’s of great importance for all of us who aspire to follow the Dharma to chant this text to realize our aspirations, and overcome all obstacles we encounter.

This short text contains the essence of all the Sūtrayāna and Tantrayāna teachings, as well as the very profound pith instructions of His Holiness’ lifetime of practice.

The Great Perfection is the essence of all sūtras and tantras, and its merits are beyond all description. People can attain liberation by merely hearing its words, touching its texts, attaching them to their body, or understanding their meaning.

Sekiranya seseorang dengan kepercayaan yang luar biasa dan keyakinan yang kuat mengamalkan Dzogchen mengikuti urutan penyediaan, amalan utama, dan kesimpulan, orang itu dapat mencapai pembebasan dalam masa enam bulan.
If someone with extraordinary faith and strong conviction practices Dzogchen by following the sequence of preliminary, main and concluding practice, that person may attain liberation in six months.

Song of Victory
Commentary on Song of Victory
Translating Song of Victory into Your Own Language
H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche’s Song of Victory is a vajra doha (song born of realization) that carries inconceivable blessings and power. Merely by reading this text or carrying a copy of it, one can transform any obstacles to studying or practicing the Dharma, into favorable conditions. Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche advised that translating this vajra doha into different languages will certainly bring auspicious benefits to the world. Therefore we invite you to translate either the vajra doha or its commentary into your own language. If you would like to send your translation to us, please do so at the email address below. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions about our translations; please feel free to contact us at: .