The Sutra of Great Liberation
The Sutra of Great Liberation contains many pith instructions for spiritual practice, for example, how to purify negativities, how to realize emptiness, how to make aspiration, how to benefit and liberate sentient beings. Also, since it mentions names of numerous buddhas of the past, present and future, and numerous names of bodhisattvas, it brings great benefit to whoever reads or hears it.

The Sutra of Great Liberation is a precious and supreme teaching left by the compassionate Lord Buddha for the benefit of beings before he passed into parinirvana. Although it is named as a sutra, it is almost a tantric teaching.
This sutra contains many pith instructions for spiritual practice, for example, how to purify negativities, how to realize emptiness, how to make aspiration, how to benefit and liberate sentient beings. Also, since it mentions names of numerous buddhas of the past, present and future, and numerous names of bodhisattvas, it brings great benefit to whoever reads or hears it. This is why this sutra is greatly valued by both lay people and monastics in the Tibetan regions. Almost every Tibetan family attaches great importance to this sutra. Whenever one leaves the world, one’s family would request monks or nuns to recite this sutra for him or her every day within the first 49 days. Because by having others recite this sutra for the decedent just one time, they will definitely not fall into the lower realms and will even attain liberation. Because of its great benefit, many practitioners often recite this sutra as their daily practice.
Audios (with simultaneous English translation)
Whoever sees this sutra sees the Buddha and whoever holds this sutra holds the Buddha’s body.