How Buddhism Sees the Material World?
All of us deal with the material world everyday. But do we really understand the material world? Khenpo Sodargye shares with us a very interesting topic that probes into the material world from Buddhism point of view.
Look Inside and You’ll Awaken
Excerpt 1: The Mutual Goal of Buddhism and Science
In Buddhism, there is no other law or truth of the nature of the universe other than the scientific view of this truth. Hence, as fellow human, we share the mutual goal of understanding this material world with the most advanced scientific methods.
Excerpt 2: The Teaching of Buddhism Is Ever Fresh
If you study Buddhism seriously, you will appreciate the maturity and progressiveness of the thoughts developed by Oriental people more than 2,000 years ago. Today’s worldly knowledge or information, including the teaching materials, countries’ policies and words of celebrities, need to be constantly updated or changed to keep up with the passage of times. However, Buddhist teachings on compassion, wisdom, peace and equality, etc., are still so vividly alive and applicable to this day.
Excerpt 3: Look Inside and You’ll Awaken
Lastly, I would like to share one of my favorite quotes from the famous psychologist, Carl Jung. He said, “Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens”. I hope all of you here will understand the truth of this material world, and most importantly, understand the truth of your spiritual world inside.

The Teaching of Buddhism Is Ever Fresh
If you study Buddhism seriously, you will appreciate the maturity and progressiveness of the thoughts developed by Oriental people more than 2,000 years ago. Today’s worldly knowledge or information, including the teaching materials, countries’ policies and words of celebrities, need to be constantly updated or changed to keep up with the passage of times. However, Buddhist teachings on compassion, wisdom, peace and equality, etc., are still so vividly alive and applicable to this day.

Look Inside and You’ll Awaken
Lastly, I would like to share one of my favorite quotes from the famous psychologist, Carl Jung. He said, “Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens”. I hope all of you here will understand the truth of this material world, and most importantly, understand the truth of your spiritual world inside.
“Venerable Longchenpa said that although all things lack inherent existence, they appear infallibly in front of us.”