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Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche 5

Today is the tenth day of the tenth month in the Tibetan Calendar, the day when Guru Padmasambhava arrived in central Tibet, subdued all negative and hostile forces, founded the great monastery of Samyé, lit up the lamp of the sacred Dharma and laid the foundation for the widespread of Buddhism. Actually, each tenth lunar day of each month is Guru Rinpoche’s day, which commemorates a different episode from his life—his twelve different miraculous deeds of benefiting sentient beings and taming evilness.

Guru Rinpoche, in The Guru as the Gathering of Secrets , says:

Upon that day of days,
The tenth day of the monkey month, the monkey year,
And all the tenth days of the moon—such times of power as these,
Sending emanations, I will fill the world,
Supreme and common siddhis richly to bestow.

In honor of Guru Rinpoche and his inconceivable blessings, we would like to present you with Khenpo’s L ecture 5 of the Seven-Line Prayer . This teaching speaks of Guru Padmasambhava’s incredible feats on each tenth lunar day and the story of a great modern practitioner who achieved enlightenment through Guru Rinpoche’s practice. In addition, Khenpo teaches a rather profound tantric practice of the Seven-Line Prayer , which instructs in detail how to visualize and supplicate to Padmasambhava with the prayer, for those students who have received an empowerment or have a very strong faith in Vajrayana.