Categories Teaching

Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend

Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend is a letter that he wrote to his friend and student King Decho Zangpo. Despite its short length (only 123 verses), it covers the entire Mahayana path, combining a practical approach to daily conduct with a theoretical exposition of the different stages leading to enlightenment.

Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche will give oral transmission and a brief explanation of this short treatise. During the teaching, Khenpo will also give refuge vows. You are welcome to join us!


Lecturer : Khenpo Sodargye

Content: Giving teaching and oral transmission on Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend and giving Refuge Vows.

When : June 8 (Saturday), 7:30 PM (UTC+8, Beijing Standard Time)

Languages :

Primarily in Mandarin Chinese. For live streaming, click on the following –

Zhibei Live (PC Version)

Zhibei Live (Mobile Version)

Simultaneous interpretation is also available in –






Check your local time for the live teaching here .