Categories Announcement

New Talk Available: The Philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism

Under the auspices of a technology research grant supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Khenpo Sodargye was invited by the University of Tokyo to give a talk introducing the philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism on November 11, 2015.  The purpose of this presentation was to give the audience a general understanding of Tibetan Buddhism, a brief history, methods of study, and a taste of its true essence.

After touching on Buddha Shakyamuni’s turnings of the Dharma Wheel and the early evolution of Buddhism in India, Khenpo told of the migration of Buddhism to Tibet, the founding of the various Tibetan schools, and some of the major writings, stressing that Tibetan Buddhism incorporates both Vajrayana and Sutrayana teachings.

Although Tibetan Buddhism has become a popular topic of academic study worldwide, Khenpo emphasized that, in order to gain a thorough understanding of its true essence, one must undertake a rigorous and systematic course of study and practice: the key is to achieve wisdom. By doing so, people in today’s society have the opportunity to receive tremendous benefits in the conduct of their everyday lives.

Videos and transcripts of this talk are available on the page of The Philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism .