Yeshe Tsogyal
Yeshe Tsogyal was Vajravarahi in human form and also an emanation of Tara and Buddhalochana. She was born as a princess in the clan of Kharchen. Her father was called Namkha Yeshe and her mother was Gewa Bum. Yeshe Tsogyal was the consort of King Trisong Detsen before being offered to Padmasambahava as a mandala offering during an empowerment. She became the main disciple and consort of Guru Rinpoche. She specialized in the practice of Vajrakilaya and achieved accomplishment after many years of study and practice. Through the power of her unfailing memory, she collected all the teachings given by Padmasambhava in Tibet region, and concealed many of them as terma. At the end of her life, she flew through the air and went directly to Copper-Coloured Mountain (Zangdok Palri in Tibetan), the pureland of Padmasambhava.
Jnanasutra, after passing through study and training in various disciplines of Buddhism, spent decades receiving teachings and empowerments of various stages of Great Perfection from Srisinha, and then he trained on them.
Nov 03, 2014