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Padmasambhava means "Lotus-born", which refers Guru Rinpoche's birth from a lotus in the land of Oddiyana. Padmasambhava is the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, also known as the "Second Buddha". As for the Great Perfection teachings, it is said that Padmasambhava met Prahevajra in pure vision, and he also received the Nyingtik teachings from Manjusrimitra. He also travelled to the Parushakavana charnel ground where Sri Singha granted him the teachings of the Three Classes of Mind, Space and Pith Instructions. After granting him the Outer, Inner and Secret cycles, Sri Singha conferred on Padmasambhava the teachings of the Innermost Unsurpassed Cycle of Pith Instruction, the Khandro Nyingtik, along with all the tantras and instructions. He stayed for twenty-five years, receiving and contemplating on this teaching. Subsequently, he went to the Sosadvipa charnel ground and practiced for three years, obtaining an enlightened body that was "like the reflection of the moon in the water, not subject to birth of death". He attained "the rainbow body of great transference". In this subtle light body, great masters such as Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra can remain, without dissolving into the dharmakaya, for as long as there is service to perform for sentient beings.

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