Buddhism: Path to Bodhi - Path Beyond Intelligence
来源: 日期: 2018-07-26 浏览量: 2145

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche delivered a keynote speech on the first day of the 8th World Youth Buddhist Symposium, titled Buddhism: Path to Bodhi--Path Beyond Intelligence.

During the talk Rinpoche reassured the audience that Buddhism ultimately won't be undermined by artificial intelligence, since the nature of mind isn't physical.

One of Rinpoche's key points was that Buddhism's understanding of the continuity of life after death inherently transcends the material digital basis of artificial intelligence.

In addition, in Buddhism "mind is completely different" than just "brain activity and biological function", he said.
Lastly Dzongsar Rinpoche pointed out that Buddhism and Buddhists are comfortable with paradox, pointing to the words of the Heart Sutra, about how emptiness is revealed in form and form in emptiness.
"Instead of asking what Buddhism has to offer in the age of AI, we could flip the question," Rinpoche said, "And ask if AI has any interest in the fundamental issues of Buddhists."

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