Gendun Chopel’s Advice on the Practice of the Essential Sacred Dharma
Gendun Chopel was a Tibetan scholar, thinker, writer, poet, linguist, and artist. The life and writings of this sage of the Himalayas mark a key turning point in Tibetan history. He is considered by many to have been one of the most important Tibetan intellectuals of the twentieth century.
On June 13, Khenpo Sodargye will give teaching on one of Gendun Chopel’s most famous poems— Advice on the Practice of the Essential Sacred Dharma .

Lecturer : Khenpo Sodargye
When : June 13 (Thursday), 7:30 PM (UTC+8, Beijing Standard Time)
Languages :
Primarily in Mandarin Chinese. For live streaming, click on the following –
Zhibei Live (PC Version)
Zhibei Live (Mobile Version)
Simultaneous interpretation is also available in –
Check your local time for the live teaching here .