Introduction to Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro
Based on the guided meditative instructions of Longchenpa’s Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of Mind , a heart essence of practical instruction of Longchen Nyingtik through which diligent practitioners can achieve enlightenment after just six months of practice, these meditation teachings cover the fundamental yet essential preliminary practices, necessary for one to be fully prepared to enter into the ultimate realization of Great Perfection (Dzogchen).

Every time we practice the Dharma, we first arouse confident faith in our spiritual teacher and the Three Jewels. On the basis of this faith, we begin by reciting the refuge prayer. Next, we generate bodhichitta by reciting the aspiration verse, thinking that it is for benefiting limitless sentient beings that we now engage in this practice. After the meditation, dedicate the merits to all sentient beings by reciting the dedication prayer.
Things to Know Before the Meditation Practice
Khenpo Sodargye:
In our current study of The Preliminaries of the Great Perfection (The Words of My Perfect Teacher ), everyone is also required to participate in the actual practice of meditation. Mainly, what we’ll meditate on is based upon Longchenpa’s Preliminary Practice Instructions of Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of Mind .
Each day I’ll explain one guide in simple language and we’ll meditate together on its meaning for five minutes in class, which is to be backed up by your own formal sitting meditation. Traditionally, each of the guides is meditated upon for three days and, if time and circumstances allow, preferably for four sessions each day. If that’s impossible, make sure you maintain at least two sessions each day and be persistent. Otherwise, your understanding of the preliminaries of the Great Perfection will remain theoretical only, and you can hardly claim to have learned this treatise if you skip the process of reflection.
Every time we practice the Dharma, we first arouse confident faith in our spiritual teacher and the Three Jewels. On the basis of this faith, we begin by reciting the refuge prayer. You can follow as here, the refuge prayer in Mipham Rinpoche’s Liturgy for the Preliminary Practice—Illuminating the Path to Liberation , or refuge prayers from the vajra words of other lineage masters.
Refuge Prayer:
Residing in the sky, filling the whole of vastness,
Are the Lama, yidam deities and dakinis,
Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha of sublime beings,
Devotedly, sentient beings of the six realms and I take refuge in you!
Next, we generate bodhichitta by reciting the aspiration verse, thinking that it is for benefiting limitless sentient beings that we now engage in this practice.
Aspiration Prayer:
The infinity of sentient beings and I
Have been Buddhas from the very beginning.
Having realized such fundamental nature,
I generate supreme bodhic h itta.
After the meditation, dedicate the merits to all sentient beings by reciting the dedication prayer.
Dedication Prayer:
Through this goodness, may omniscien t buddhahood be attained
And thereby may every enemy (mental defilement) be overcome.
May beings be liberated from the ocean of samsara
That is troubled by waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.