

  • 作者: 敦珠法王
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“In general, to enter this vehicle and put it into practice, you must have all of the following characteristics:
• belief in the Dharma and in your guru
• unwavering trust in the path
• earnest mindfulness of death and the conviction that all composite phenomena are impermanent, so that you have little at traction to mundane activities
• contentment with respect to food, wealth, and enjoyments
• insatiability for Dharma due to a great deal and determination
• integration of life and spiritual practice, without complaining
By distinguishing those things to be taken literally from that which is provisional, we discover the core themes of the Dharma. These emerge quite clearly in this text. These themes include bodhichitta, the realization of emptiness, buddha nature, and the possibility of overcoming mental afflictions. From another angle, we can observe the broad framework of Dharma based on such things as ethics, samadhi, wisdom, and the six perfections.
Regarding "belief in the Dharma," there is a danger that overemphasizing faith alone may lead to spiritual sloth. I have seen this occur in both Western students and in Tibetans. One pitfall is the spiritual sloth of self effacement. There are Tibetans who are very strong when it comes to belief in the Dharma but who take the attitude: "I am not a tulku, so why should I meditate? Meditation is for great beings, not an ordinary person like me." That is the downside of the marvelous hagiographies of great beings such as Milarepa, Tsongkhapa, Jigme Lingpa, and Dudjom Lingpa. They can inspire, but they can also be intimidating.
In order to avoid the notion of faith, it may be more useful to think of the approach of the working hypothesis. In other words, we may provisionally adopt certain views and live in accordance with them while at the same time doing our best to put them to the test of experience so that we can discover for ourselves whether they are true. We can use the hypotheses that shamatha was designed for people like us; ethics was designed for us; bodhichitta was something to be cultivated by people like us. We hypothesize that these are all things we can accomplish. According to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, if we practice like the great beings of the past, we will have the same realizations.
This then is a pragmatic approach to belief. We start from where we are rather than engaging in wishful thinking, embroidering, and speculation. We are not taking the attitude that simply because we believe something, this guarantees some outcome, such as our being "saved" or our going to some pleasant destination after death. Rather, we must be willing to reassess our beliefs as we go along, keeping an open mind. So when someone says, "Padmasambhava is here, now," what does that really mean? If you believe you have buddha nature, what does that mean? What does it mean to believe that there is continuity of consciousness from lifetime to lifetime? The hypothesis must be explored, tested. For instance, you may have had for some time the belief that karmic imprints carry over from lifetime to lifetime. But on reassessing that old hypothesis you may discover that this is a rather crude formulation in comparison to new and subtler knowledge you have acquired. So you revisit and reassess such hypotheses from time to time, giving them greater meaning. The basis for this approach is to keep an open mind, which is what we’ve been asked to do from the very beginning.
What about "belief...in your guru"? Here again we can use a working hypothesis. The teacher needn't be a bodhisattva, but he or she should have an altruistic motivation and a sound understanding of the subject matter. We can waste a lot of time wondering, "Has lama X or teacher Y achieved A?" Keeping in mind that lamas, teachers, and serious students of Dharma are always in flux, trying to pin down their realizations is pointless. It is more important for us to have faith in Samantabhadra, in Padmasambhava, in the Buddha. These are not merely historical figures, they are here with us right now. The qualities necessary for us to receive teachings from Padmasambhava are the openness of our hearts, our receptivity when listening, and faith in the presence of Padmasambhava. Then, if Padmasambhava or Buddha Shakyamuni is our true guru, any qualified teacher can bring to us their blessings and wisdom. Therefore, check the teachers qualifications and motivation. Ask yourself if the teacher has knowledge you don't have or has had realization that you have not yet attained. Of course, if you don't have confidence that the teacher's motivation is altruistic, then you should find another teacher.
In addition to the two basic qualities a teacher must possess—altruistic intention and a sound knowledge of Dharma—three qualities are necessary on the part of a disciple. The first is perceptivity—attending closely, clarity of attention. "What is taking place in my mind, my speech, in other people's speech? Am I picking up what's going on?" A student who is not perceptive is not a suitable disciple and is not going to achieve enlightenment. The second quality is having an aspiration to put the teachings into practice. You aren't receiving teachings merely to accumulate knowledge, or because the lama is charismatic, your friends are going, or other reasons. You have come because you really want to practice. Otherwise you are wasting the teacher's time, which is a grave thing to do. The third quality is to attend to the teachings without prejudice, especially the prejudice of uncritically believing that your own ideas are true, while any assertion that differs from your beliefs is suspect. In other words, its imperative to have an open mind, one willing to critically reassess even your own most cherished assumptions. These three qualities, like those necessary in a teacher, are crucial.
To enter this path, this vehicle, this "swift path of the clear light Great Perfection," not only do you need just those qualities, you must hone them, sharpen them. Then take this one step further: Since Dudjom Lingpa is saying that if you have these qualities you are suitable to follow this path, adopt the self-assurance that you are truly a suitable vessel for these teachings. Next go through them and see if you have some weak points, areas that could be improved. Burnish them and then return to that assurance: These are teachings for me. These are teachings that I could practice, that I could follow, just as the great Dzogchen masters of the past have done.
What is "earnest mindfulness of death," and what is it’s value? This virtue is put into practice by living with death in the back of your mind, and sometimes in the front of your mind, and becoming very comfortable with it. This recognition puts things into sharp focus— gives us "the conviction that all composite phenomena are impermanent, so that you have little attraction to mundane activities." In light of our death, our mundane desires are seen for what they are. For example: I feel a desire for my favorite bread, and then I get some and eat it. In normal, conventional circumstances that may be meaningful. In the face of death, it is completely irrelevant. How much sourdough bread I have eaten in this lifetime won't be something I care about when I am dying. From that perspective all the mundane concerns are likewise valueless. If our desires for wealth, luxury, good food, praise, reputation, affection, acceptance by other people, and so forth are worth nothing in the face of death, then that is precisely their ultimate value. Furthermore, anything unwholesome we've done in the pursuit of mundane concerns is going to have a negative impact. Maintain that perspective.
There is, however, another side to that coin. Just as we can overindulge in the mundane concerns, we can also go to the other extreme by overindulging in austerity. If we set inordinately high ascetic goals for our practice we can create obstacles and even injure ourselves physically and mentally.
In fact, creature comforts can be an aid to practice. It is good to have a comfortable home where you feel at ease, where your mind is spacious, where you can settle down and practice Dharma. If you need to get from here to there, what is wrong with having a dependable automobile? Luxuries may also have their place. At times you become tired and need a break—some entertainment, listening to a little music—why not? The same goes for the enjoyments of friendship, nature, and sex as well. Unless you have taken a monks vows, there is nothing wrong with that. There can be no denying the beauty of intimacy, the warmth and love that can be shared in that context. Getting hung up on how much sex you are having is an overindulgence, but if sex forms part of the intimacy of a loving relationship, especially a Dharma relationship, there's nothing wrong with it.
In the same vein, we needn't become overly concerned about praise. If praise were entirely bad, then we should never praise each other or acknowledge someone's good qualities and actions because that would be feeding them poison. On the contrary, praise can be very helpful—receiving the acknowledgment, the affection, the acceptance, the respect of those around us. Mundane concerns have a place as long as our central motivation is the practice of Dharma. It is only when we invert things—when for instance we practice Dharma so people will like us more or to improve our material situation—that we devalue our practice and make a mockery of Dharma.
Still, the earnest mindfulness of death puts everything into perspective. It sets our priorities straight, which is what Dharma boils down to. Awareness of death helps us to recognize that everything to which we cling—including teachers, icons, altars, texts, traditions, teachings, Dharma settings, the time we put in on our cushion, let alone all of our mundane concerns—all of that is subject to impermanence. It all passes. Therefore, "all composite phenomena are impermanent...you have little attraction to mundane activities." He doesn't say no attraction. He says "little attraction." So, when I reach out for the plate of sourdough bread and it falls on the floor, I won't be terribly perturbed.
"Contentment with respect to food, wealth, and enjoyments": The monastic ideal is to be content with that which is adequate. So contentment on the one hand with regard to the food—the food is "good enough," the wealth—"got enough." And as for enjoyments: again its nice to have some diversion once in a while, perhaps a walk or some music occasionally. So on the one hand you have contentment with regard to the mundane, but "insatiability"— just the opposite of contentment—for Dharma. With great zeal and determination, you just cannot get enough of Dharma. Until you are enlightened you are insatiable.
Finally we come to "integration of life and spiritual practice, without complaining": You want to have total integration. For instance, if you are alternating a week of retreat with three weeks living in your normal situation, then you would spend a week on nothing other than concerted focus on specific formal practices followed by thorough integration of them into your life in the following weeks. You continue on in that manner, dipping back in maybe a bit deeper in formal practice and then once more effecting thorough integration in daily life. The idea of course is that your practice and your life are coextensive. Like oil seeping into paper, there is no part of the paper that is not touched by the oil. And whatever life dishes up for you in terms of difficulties and challenges, you meet them with composure, without complaining.
There are only six points, as listed above. None of them are daunting, none are intimidating; nor are they impossible. In all of them there is the opportunity for greater growth, deeper conviction in Dharma, deeper trust in the guru, deeper trust in the path, a clearer, more vigilant, crisp awareness of death, greater contentment. Basically there is a growing insatiability for Dharma. Why? Because you love it so much. That's what zeal is. Its not just love, there is also that steel behind it—knowing that the practice of Dharma won’t always be fun. That's where determination comes in. This is like driving along in fourth gear and then suddenly you're in potholes going up a steep incline. That's the time to downshift back into second. Second gear is determination. You just get through it with sheer determination and faith that Dharma is meaningful. Sooner or later things smooth out and zeal returns. You're not always going to be practicing joyfully,- it just doesn't work that way. Still the bottom line is that you keep returning to joyous zeal as your ground state.
Sentient beings suffer in myriad ways. We suffer depression, anxiety, misery, grief, despair. On the path of Dharma that suffering can be magnificently meaningful. Instead of weaving your way around all the potholes of life, you take all the suffering that may come your way—some of it even catalyzed by your Dharma practice—and you transmute it into Dharma practice. So even in the midst of suffering, even when misery or conflict or internal strife or mental afflictions seem to dominate your mind— filling the space of the mind, capturing you, enslaving you—even then your mind is larger than all that. I love that phrase and find it very meaningful. The space of your awareness is larger than the space of your convoluted mind. That doesn't mean the mind isn't afflicted. You are just seeing it from a wider angle, where some voice in you can say, "Oh, I see, my mind's afflicted; oh, I see, this is grief; this is despair," and so on.
This has happened to me on a number of occasions. I would have some hours of depression now and then when I was in retreat. I wondered how long it could last. I would sit down and watch it, and see 'That was depression. Now it's getting less." As soon as it would get less, it would get less very quickly. Sometimes it would be as big as a rhinoceros. It filled up a lot of my mind, but never all of it. So I would say, "Ah, that's depression." Or "Ah, that's elation." Or "Ah, that's hope, ah, that's fear." In addition there was one big bogeyman that I got to recognize very well: "How fast am I progressing?" That's the spiritual version of "Are we there yet, Daddy?" "How fast am I progressing? Am I moving?" is one of the most pernicious impediments. So I would look at that one and just smile.