Pureland in Samsara — Larung
This might be one of Khenpo Sodargye’s most brief speeches which he has given in universities. Here, he introduces the life of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, the educational mission of Larung Gar Five Sciences Buddhist Academy, the courses and the student body.
The First Dodrupchen Rinpoche's Prophesy to Larung Gar
Excerpt 1: The power of Larung Gar Five Sciences Buddhist Academy
In Buddhism, we call those invisible powers “energy” or “attraction”. In my opinion, the Larung Gar Five Sciences Buddhist Academy has the blessings of such powers.
Excerpt 2: The First Dodrupchen Rinpoche’s Prophesy to Larung Gar
Two hundred years ago, a great siddha, the First Dodrupchen Rinpoche, wrote in his Future Prophecy that “the Larung Valley, nestled between the sacred mountains of Danjian and Ala, is a blessed site protected by the Goddess of Mutian. Here, Guru Rinpoche will appear as His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche with four retinues of disciples. Together, they will spread the glory of Buddhadharma widely throughout the world. The fortunate beings connected with him, will for certain take rebirth in the Pure Land of Bliss”.
Excerpt 3: What Is the Curriculum at Larung Gar?
The curriculum at Larung Gar Five Sciences Buddhist Academy includes the five major sciences, namely Technical Arts, Medicine, Grammar, Logic and Buddhist Knowledge. Buddhist Knowledge is the compulsory course while the other courses like Medicine and Technical Arts are optional. In addition, there are five minor sciences, i.e. subjects such as poetry and recitation, etc. The Buddhist Knowledge comprises two parts: (i) the Five Great Treatises of Sutrayana covering Vinaya (Precepts), Abhidharma, Buddhist Logic, Middle Way (Madhyamika) and Prajnaparamita; and (ii) the common and uncommon teachings of tantras in Vajrayana.
Excerpt 4: What Is the Meaning of Larung?
Larung means, when you come here, you will naturally be inspired to become a Buddhist monk or nun, and a real practitioner.

What Is the Curriculum at Larung Gar?
The curriculum at Larung Gar Five Sciences Buddhist Academy includes the five major sciences, namely Technical Arts, Medicine, Grammar, Logic and Buddhist Knowledge. Buddhist Knowledge is the compulsory course while the other courses like Medicine and Technical Arts are optional. In addition, there are five minor sciences, i.e. subjects such as poetry and recitation, etc.

What Is the Meaning of Larung?
Larung means, when you come here, you will naturally be inspired to become a Buddhist monk or nun, and a real practitioner.
“The educational goal of our Buddhist Academy is not to equip our students with skills to create a better life materially nor to accumulate wealth. Our primary objective is to foster kind-heartedness in our students and encourage the integration of this value in their behavior so that they can work for the benefit and welfare of all the sentient beings.”