Always Remembering, Erinnert euch stets
Since his passing in 2003, the gentle words of His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok have remained in the heart of not only his students but also those who he had contact with. “Always Remembering” is a compilation of his precious teachings that is now available in English and German.

The poems and teachings of a beloved Buddhist master, vividly presented so that readers feel they are listening to the precious and renowned teachings of His Holiness directly—and learning how to live with more joy and ease.
Always Remembering
His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok was a prominent teacher in the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He was recognized as a tertön and renowned for his mastery of Dzogchen and his visionary activities, including the establishment of the nonsectarian Buddhist community of Larung Gar, one of the largest monastic settlements in the world and a vibrant Buddhist teaching center that has contributed enormously to the resurgence of Buddhism in China.
In memory of the thirteenth anniversary of Rinpoche’s passing, this book was compiled of his precious and renowned teachings. It includes stories of the lives of great masters, as well as teachings on the principle of cause and effect, keeping an open mind toward all religious traditions, spreading the Dharma and benefiting sentient beings, and mastering what to adopt and what to abandon. Readers will also learn about Tibetan culture, customs, and the many kinds of Tibetan tulkus. His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok’s heartfelt advice on how to improve interpersonal relationships enables us to live with more ease and joy. Five poems by Jigme Phuntsok in both Tibetan and English translation enrich the teachings with His Holiness’s poetic voice.

Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok shares the essence of his teachings with his students. This book is based on the transcripts of previous audio recordings of Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok’s teachings and advice. They are written in a simple, uncomplicated and very personal style of teaching.
Erinnert euch stets (Always Remembering in German)
Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok teilt hier die Essenz seiner Lehren mit seinen Schülern.
Dieses Buch basiert auf den Niederschriften früherer Audioaufnahmen von Khenchen Jigme Phuntsoks Unterweisungen und Ratschlägen. Sie sind in einem einfachen, unkomplizierten und sehr persönlichen Lehrstil verfasst. Seine Schüler haben es aus dem Tibetischen ins Englische übertragen und unterteilten die Texte zu Ehren des 13. Jahrestages von Kyabje Rinpoches Parinirvana in 13 Kapitel und in Würdigung der Lebensspanne dieses großen Meisters in 71 Abschnitte.
Das Buch erscheint fast zeitgleich auch im Englischen unter dem Titel: “Always Remember” und ist bereits früher von Khenpo Sodargye ins Chinesische übersetzt worden. Basierend auf der chinesischen Version wird es weitere Übersetzungen geben, so u.a. ins Italienische, Spanische, Polnische, Niederländische, Koreanische, Japanische und Vietnamesische.
Wir laden unsere deutschen Leser ein, dies historische Dokument als einen Ausdruck tiefer Hingabe an die Tradition zu sehen, deren Vergänglichkeit auch in diesem Text immer wieder durchscheint und sich in der erst kurzen, aber dennoch höchst wechselhaften Geschichte des Ortes Larung Gar widerspiegelt.