Upcoming Live Streams — Sadhana of the Wrathful Guru Padmasambhava
At 7:30 PM (Beijing Standard Time), Tuesday, March 19, Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche will give a live Dharma teaching on the Sadhana of the Wrathful Guru Padmasambhava—Accomplish All Dharma Activities , a terma revealed by His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche at Paro Taktsang, Bhutan, in 1990. Khenpo Rinpoche will also give the oral transmission of Song of Victory , a vajra song composed by His Holiness in 1996. The teaching is given in Chinese, with simultaneous translation in English being provided.

Please go to the websites below to receive the teaching:
Zhibei Live
(PC Version)
Zhibei Live (Mobile Version)
Please check your local time for the live teaching at this website: