New Talk Available: A Rare Kind of Happiness: The Heart Sutra
On November 26, 2017, Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche was invited by the ABF Center, Stockholm, to give a talk on “A Rare Kind of Happiness: The Heart Sutra”. In his speech, Khenpo specified not only why the Heart Sutra with only 260 characters in its Chinese version is deemed as the condensation of all the teachings of the three turnings of the wheel of Dharma and the quintessence of the Prajnaparamita sutras, he also acknowledged its popularity in Tibet by telling us its incredible merits in fulfilling all kinds of wishes, and especially in overcoming obstacles. Besides, the Heart Sutra has its unique merit in respect to overcoming fear and pacifying our mind in times like these. At the end of the speech, Khenpo gave the oral transmission of the Heart Sutra , following which the audiences together recited it respectively in Chinese and in English.
Please click here for the full record of this talk.