Master Hai Tao, resident in Taipei, was born to a Huang family in Kaohsiung in 1958 and graduated from the Department of Tourism at University of Chinese Culture University in 1982.
He grew up in a family with traditional Chinese faith, but he encountered Christianity when he was in middle school and was a pious Christian until university. After having established a family and his own business, he also encountered Taoism.
In 1991, Master Hai Tao had an opportunity to visit the Light of Wisdom Dharma Hall in Taipei. He was amazed by the profundity of Buddhist philosophy of life. He took Refuge in the Three Jewels under the Venerable Master Fa Zhen. Later, due to admiration of Humanistic Buddhism, he made a vow to practice Buddhism.
In 1992, Master Hai Tao took the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts under the Venerable Master Liao Zhong at Nanzih Tsuyunszu in Kaohsiung.
In June 1993, he was converted to a Buddhist monk under the Venerable Master Zhen Hua at Fu Yan Temple in Xinzu, after which he practiced under the guidance of Venerable Master Ru Xu.
In 1994, he took the Full Ordination under the Venerable Master Jie De at Miao Tong Monastery in Liouguei, Kaohsiung.
In 1997, he spent a lot of time studying the Theravada tradition of Buddhism in south Asia.
In November 2002, he became the 47th successor of the Tiantai sect under the Venerable Master Kok Kwong at Hong Kong Kun Chung Temple.
In 2003, Master Hai Tao became a disciple of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje and regarded him as the root lama.
In March 2005, he became a disciple of the Venerable Master Wu Dao and was given the Dharma name Zhi Hai (the sea of wisdom).
In 2008, he became the abbot of Hongfa Zen Monastery in Miaoli. In 2009, he became the 53th tantric preceptor of the Eastern Mantrayana. In the same year, the Master became the abbot of Fawang Monastery in Keelung. In 2010, he became the abbot of Wugong Monastery in Hengchun. In 2011, he became the abbot of Fayan Monastery in Keelung. In 2012, the Master visited a Buddhist college in Myanmar several times and met the Venerable Daduono (transliteration). With the aspiration of Bodhisattva "Never seek comfort for oneself, May all sentient beings be liberated from sufferings," Master Hai Tao has been devoting himself unconditionally in all kinds of charitable activities to spread Buddhism and benefit lives with his best effort. He firmly believes that Dharma, the education of life, should be carried out in actions. To walk the talk, he outreaches to different corners of lives in our society, ranging from schools, prisons, private sectors, the general audience, and more. He has been imprinting his footsteps around the globe to teach, and to establish chapters of Compassion Association worldwide. Each association takes on the mission to love and care for their local needs with long-term dedication. Master Hai Tao is a strong advocate to support rightful dharma practices regardless of the traditions and lineages. With the wish for flourishing dharma and activities to benefit lives, Master is always pleased to participate in and support.
Master Hai Tao has taken up the following appointments: ‧ Chairman of Life Culture Foundation ‧ Director of Life TV ‧ Director of the Taiwan Buddhist Publication Association ‧ Director of the Taiwan Life Caring Association ‧ Chairman of the Huai Hai Education Foundation ‧ Director of the Taiwan Dog Saving Association ‧ Director of the Compassion Culture Company ‧ Chairman of the Hai Tao Life Foundation in Malaysia ‧ Chairman of the Hai Tao Life Foundation in the USA ‧ Chairman of Tawan Lamp Offering Charitable Association ‧ Director of all Life Education Centres and Temples in the UK, Chile, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong and Macau ‧ Director of the Loving Compassion Buddhist College ‧ Abbot of Hongfa Zen Monastery in Miaoli ‧ Abbot of Keelung Fayan Buddhist Temple ‧ Abbot of Keelung Fawong Temple ‧ Abbot of Taichung Five Dhyani Buddhas Lecture Hall ‧ Abbot of Kaohsiung Compassion Bodhimanda ‧ Vice-Chairman of the China International Offering Ceremony to All Buddhas and Sanghas Association ‧ A missionary teacher at many schools and an honorary counsellor at a number of prisons
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