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网站首页 > 研讨会 > 第五届研讨会
Amazing Experience — a Marathon Symposium
来源: 日期: 2015-08-27 浏览量: 4433

Amazing Experience — a Marathon Symposium
Reflections on Chiang Mai Symposium 2015

Andrew Winton (UK)

WOW!! What a full four days conference.

At the outset, my first reaction on entering the conference hall was “I’m in the wrong place” – “this is not meant for a guy like me”. It was a symposium for young, intelligent people who were primarily Chinese. I don’t qualify on all counts !

Despite being a square peg in a round hole, everyone was very kind and understanding, and made me feel welcome, so thank you Jing, Yin, Xu, Mingming, Bert, and all the delegates I met.

My second and overriding impression was about the symposium itself. It was a very professionally orchestrated event, and does credit to the organisers and staff.

Some papers were a little difficult to follow, but I achieved my goals of understanding a bit more about Buddhist beliefs. There were many common aspects of Buddhist life that matches my own beliefs. Items on prayer, meditation, caring, sharing one’s beliefs, assisting, coaching and teaching, all similar to the kind of life I strive to live.

The need to train and channel one’s mind, came over as the key to achieving progress as Buddhists. Also, how the mind can influence the body, in either a good or negative way. Tibetan Buddhism seems to be introspective, although this is possibly due to the theme of the symposium.

Over the five days I was continually aware of my personal spiritual being, which transcends body and mind. The symposium actually strengthened my “soul” or spirit.

Near the end of the symposium, I was greatly moved at the graciousness of Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche, as he invited me to chat for a few minutes together. His blend of humbleness, kindness, and unassuming nature, made an impression on me as it must have on the majority of the delegates.

With my grateful thanks again for the opportunity to be a delegate.

Andrew Winton



安德鲁﹒温顿 (英国)


起初,我刚进入会场时的第一反应是:“我来错地方了。”-- “ 这不适合像我这样的人。”

尽管我显得格格不入,但是每个人都是那么和善、宽容,让我感到倍受欢迎。感谢Jing, Yin, Xu, Mingming, Bert, 以及我遇到的所有参会者。








上一篇:梦幻泡影中找回自我 下一篇:清迈世青会---爱之初体验
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