个人基本信息 | Personal Information
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年龄 | Age
邮箱 | Email Address
手机号码 | Mobile Number
目前居住国家 | Country of Residence
居住省份或城市 | Province or City of Residence
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宗教信仰 | Religion
身份 | Current Status
在读学生填写 | For Student Use
非在读学生填写 | For Non-student Use
社团信息 | Community Information
所在宗教社团或传统文化社团 | The religious or cultural community you are in (if any)
担任职务 | Please choose your position
参会信息 | Participation Information
您参加过几次世界青年佛学研讨会? | How many times have you attended the World Youth Buddhist Symposium?
0 1 2 2次以上 More than Twice
通过何种渠道了解大会?| How did you know about the 8th World Youth Buddhist Symposium?
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其他 Others
本人承诺所有报名信息属实 | I promise all the registration information is true.
*请如实、完整填写以上信息,确保提交成功。若有不实,筹委会有权取消参会资格。 Please truthfully and completely fill up all the information on this form to make sure a valid registration. The Symposium Organizing Committee holds the right to cancel qualification of participating if you failed to do so.
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